Where is The White House On The Map?

The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C., USA. It is situated in the heart of the nation's capital, near significant landmarks like the National Mall, Washington Monument, and the U.S. Capitol. On a map, you can easily find it by entering the address in any map application or service. The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States, making it a notable landmark.

Where is The White House On The Map?
Where is The White House On The Map?
Where is The White House On The Map?
Where is The White House On The Map?
White House is with a location at the National Mall of 16th St. Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington D.C. The White House is located in the Department of Commerce Building with location on South East Corner of 15th and E Streets. The area of the White House is very secure and is blocked off from traffic for reasons of security. It adds limited places to public transportation and park areas. The area connects to Metro Centre, Farragut West, Federal Triangle, and McPherson Square. It is also with Metrobus stop that comes with a location on the corner of Pennsylvania and 14th Street. 
Parking Area Near White House
The closest public parking garages towards the White House are shown on the map. The International Trade Centre and Ronald Regan Building come with an underground parking garage with 2,000 spaces. It adds one of the best places to park within this area. It has two entrances with access to Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street. 

The U.S. President's house was built by Irish-born architect Mr. James Hoban in the 1790s. It was rebuilt after the British attack in 1814. The personal touches of the country’s residents ' houses evolved and it accommodated technological changes with electricity installation. The building also underwent major structural changes in the early years of the 1900s. It was done under Mr. Teddy Roosevelt who officially established the White House moniker. It was officially established as White House Moniker under Harry Truman after WWII. White House with its land area is 18 acres which is 7.2 hectares that includes a green landscape. It is originally called the “President’s Palace” on earlier maps, the building was officially named as Executive Mansion till 1810. Although the name White House was commonly used at about the same time, It did not become the official name of the building until 1901 when it was adopted by President Theodore Roosevelt, (1901-09). The White House remains the oldest Federal building within the nation’s capital. The building got its design in 1792 with a public competition held to choose a design for a presidential residence within the capital city of Washington. The Irish American architect James Hoban won the competition and a $ 500 prize. It adds with plan for a Georgian mansion with a Palladian style. The structure has three floors and has more than 100 rooms. It is built with sandstone imported from quarries along Aquia Creek, Virginia. October 13, 1792, was the date to lay the cornerstone. Laborers including local enslaved people were housed in temporary huts built on the North side of the premises. They were joined by skilled stonemasons who came from Edinburgh, Scotland in 1793.         
Construction Plan For Capital City With no Official Residences
George Washington did not enjoy the comforts of the house that was inaugurated in 1799. There was no capital city nor any official residence. With the passing of The Residences Act, Philadelphia was a temporary capital where President George Washington stayed as the federal city being built. The construction of the White House began with deliberation by the federal authorities. The foundation for it was laid by the labor force with African American slaves. All those who were free African American laborers and all other immigrants who were not part of legal status in America. Many of them were from the European countries. The construction plan was made with French engineer Charles Pierre L’ Elant. It entails two floors and is used with lesser costlier materials. It adds altering after problems with construction materials.

Who Finally Built The White House?
With construction being completed in 1800 building was commissioned by President John Adams who got the residence as first occupant. He was a previous president living in mansions around Philadelphia and New York. The new house comes with three floors, a portico, eleven bays, and facades. The design was heavily borrowed from the Leinster Building in Dublin, Ireland with lead architect James Hoban. The design of the White House did not leave out future expansion plans as it has huge construction problems. Although the land was huge still the building did not have a dominant presence because of lack of money.
Notable Incidents That Almost Destroyed The White House
Historically the White House was attacked on various occasions and suffered damage. The first damage was inflicted by British troops in 1814, as they burned down Washington. It also lead to damage of White House and various other Federal buildings like the Capitol. The building was renovated and painted to hide smoke silhouettes. In 1994 an airplane crashed in the White House although only the pilot was hurt. Terror attacks domestically were part of the destruction and 9/11 attacks along with Oklahoma bombings. It results in high-level security measures taken to protect the house. 

White House of Today 
With the new administration beginning its reign the White House also added personnel changes and with improved tactics use to protect it. The house is renovated by the Federal Government which offers contracts to companies that add stringent requirements. The renovation after the War of 1812 which adds with further innovations. It has been done with restoration work during the Kennedy years. In the previous century, it was with ease of access to the White House. Now, only an invitation by the President allows you to get into the White House. You have to go through multiple checks and screening by the Secret Service. The screening is part of a security check and even visiting leaders have to go through it.
Getting Toward the White House
The area around the White House is blocked off with traffic from all parts for security reasons. It adds limited places for parking facilities although one can reach by public transportation. The closest metro station is the Federal Triangle. Metro Centre, Farragut West, and McPherson Square. It also has a Metro bus stop with a location on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street. 
Parking Within the White House
The closest public parking garage to the White House is the Ronald Reagan Building. It adds to the International Trade Centre with an underground parking garage that has 2,000 spaces. It comes as one of the best parking in the area. It has two entrances with access to Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street. It has visitors and vehicles that get screened upon entry. 
Things to Know About the White House visit
Public tour requests must be submitted three weeks in advance by any of the Congress Members.
Tour participants may gather at 15, Hamilton Streets, NW with entry towards grounds and buildings. 
It adds with nearest residences to the White House in the Ellipse Visitor Pavilion. It is a Park area South of the White House and it adds as White House Visitor Center. 
You may walk to the North side of the building in front of Lafayette Park. You may take photos in front of the White House or also participate in all types of public protests. The park is bounded towards the West direction by Jackson Place. On the east, it has Madison Place and it also adds Pennsylvania Avenue.
The White House today holds 132 rooms with a total of six floors. The floor space adds an area of 55,000 sq ft. It comes with hosted longstanding traditions such as the annual Easter or Egg roll. It has been part of historic events such as the 1987 nuclear arms treaty that was done with Russia. It adds as only private residence which is for the head of state with open free of charge to the public.